Website speed optimization might be for  you!

When we built your website, we built it to look good AND perform well for your site’s visitors.

Some visitors you may not think about…are the search engines.

Google (the king of the search engines) is taking page speed performance into account when determining YOUR site’s ranking.

Even though your website may feel like it loads fast to you, Google has their own standards. These standards become stricter with every Google update.

You can check your Google page speed here.

We are now offering a speed optimization service to try to help you get to or stay on “page one.”


This service is a three tiered approach that we can explain in great detail if you are interested.

In summary, our three tiered process is:
1)We make use of a CDN (content delivery network.)
This is a network of high speed servers that delivers a copy of your website from the closest geographical location to your prospective customer.

2)We optimize the java script and CSS files from your website.
These are the files that define your site’s look and motions.

3)Image optimization.
We make sure all images on your website are at their optimal size and format.
We also license and install a plugin that optimizes future images you add  to your website.

The quick version of what we’ve just said is that this service can speed up the load time on your site and help enhance your SEO rankings.

We are offering this service at the introductory rate of $15/month.

Let us know if you’re interested and if we can help.